Course Content

Cello Dynamites cello course and Violin Dynamites upper strings course are based on a supportive mixed-age musical fraternity where cooperation with, and learning from each other, is paramount. We offer a comprehensive range of sessions covering core musical skills and development in key areas. 

String Ensembles

All students are placed in a chamber music group appropriate to their age and ability.

We passionately believe in the many benefits that chamber music brings. It is a vital part of our education and is a chance for string players to take off their “solo” hats and concentrate on building their musicianship and teamworking skills. There is some opportunity for the groups to work without a tutor: this builds co-operation and creative skills and gives the students a real sense of ownership over their work.

We work with students on developing a shared interpretation of the music. The tutors encourage an understanding of initiating and responding, of listening more deeply, and working on technical areas together to achieve this.

Community Orchestra

Each day ends with the community orchestra, where all ages and abilities play together with the tutors. This is a great opportunity for mentoring by pairing older more experienced string players with younger players and promotes a mutually beneficial learning relationship.

Orchestral discipline and technique are explored while keeping the sessions informal and relaxed. Repertoire is a mix of classical and light-hearted.

Masterclasses & Repertoire Sessions

Participants participate in small groups according to age and standard, and in open classes where the whole cello fraternity come together.

Daily masterclass sessions offer every student the opportunity to work on their repertoire with tutors. We are very fortunate to have a professional pianist on the course, Amanda Hurton, who works tirelessly to rehearse with and accompany every student for the masterclasses. The students gain so much from her musicianship and skill.

Students are encouraged to actively observe each other; in doing so, they gain insight from a more objective learning experience.

Technical Workshops

The day starts with technique – the foundation of our music-making. Here we focus on technical aspects of cello playing in a way that is challenging without being intimidating.

Each student will be in a group of a similar standard regardless of age, and emphasis will be on helping each student find and resolve any current obstacles to their playing, whether it is posture, left-hand position or a phobia of scales! W

We seek always to support the work of the cellists’ own teachers, and welcome their input where appropriate.

Improvisation & Composition with Quimantu

Course favourites Quimantu are back again this year!

Mauricio Venegas-Astorga, Laura Venegas-Rojas and Rachel Pantin will be sharing music, songs and rhythms from Latin America and Europe and working together with the Dynamite string players on improvisation and composition skills.

Be ready to have fun, explore something new and expand your musical and cultural horizons with us!

Find out more about Quimantu at or find us on Youtube here: @Quimantumusic

Performance Opportunities

Performance is an essential part of the learning process and we believe this important area should be approached in a spirit of mutual support and positivity.

Performances offer the chance for interpretations, some of which have been worked on at masterclass level, to evolve. To this end daily informal concerts are scheduled after lunch and all students are encouraged to take part and attend.

The course culminates in a concert open to family and friends showcasing ensemble music that has been worked on over the course.